Organic producers This page is dedicated to highlighting the best organic producers and produce in Tasmania. Why have we restricted ourselves to organic produce? Well, we have explained that elsewhere on this site (here) where we give the reasons why we spend a lot of time searching for organic produce […]
We deliberately make Organic a category because we try to seek out places where we know they use organic produce. The reason is that the more we learn about the consequences of eating food that has been sprayed with systemic chemicals the more we realise the long term deleterious consequences on our health.
Broom and Brine Farm – Great vegetables
Broom and Brine – Introduction Broom and Brine Farm is an excellent purveyor of delicious, fresh, organic vegetables of the highest quality. Many of the vegetables they specialise in are not the common types but rather rare examples of considerable interest. For example, recently on the fortnightly deliveries we receive, […]
R. D’Meure – Stunning Natural Wines
R. D’Meure – Introduction This is a story about one of Tasmania’s finest winemakers, Rory Duggan from R. D’Meure. But first we need to open the story by talking about some other serious players who have contributed to the success that Rory has achieved. The first person to acknowledge is […]
Organic produce – the best flavours!
Tasmanian organic produce – Why? As you peruse this site you will notice that nearly all of the producers we mention and most of the restaurants either produce or use all or mostly organic produce. Why? There are many reasons why we try to only eat and drink organic produce […]
Bream Creek Community Market Garden – Beautiful Organic Vegetables
Bream Creek Community Market Garden – Introduction The Bream Creek Community Market Garden is a small stall on the side of Burnt Hill Road near Bream Creek in Tasmania’s south-east. We like the fact that the produce on sale here is organic although not necessarily certified as such. We think […]
Red Cow Organics: Great dairy products
Red Cow Organics (originally called Red Cow Dairies) is run by recent arrivals to Tasmania, Matt and Andy Jackman of Oldina in the north west of the state. Here they milk a herd of Aussie Red cows on their 155 hectare farm. They have built their own factory where they […]
Stephens Excellent Leatherwood Honey
There are many Tasmanian firms producing good honey but the distinctive blocks of organic ‘Golden Nectar’ leatherwood honey made by the Stephens at Mole Creek are highly prized. It is highly recognisable from the ‘retro’ label which is, in fact, the very original label that has always been associated with […]
Our Mate’s Farm: Excellent produce
Our Mate’s Farm – Introduction Our Mate’s Farm is a small family-run orchard offering certified organic heritage apples, fresh cold-pressed apple juice and other products including very tasty pork from the farm. The apple juice can be sourced from the stall at their farm (see below) or from Unpacked in […]
Little Farm: Great Organic Berries
Little Farm – Introduction You will find Little Farm some 30 kilometres south of Hobart in a pleasant valley near the town of Cygnet where it occupies some 200 hectares of prime land. It is both a berry and vegetable farm which is run organically (but not certified). The owners […]
Weston Farm: Great organic products
Weston Farm – Vegetables This farm is run by Richard and Belinda Weston where they produce great organic products ranging from peony flowers, to padron peppers, to ducks, to olives and also many types of vegetables using organic principles even though they are not formally certified. Recently they have also […]