Masaaki – Geeveston
Tasmanians have been very lucky to have access to the excellent sushi and sashimi lovingly prepared by Masaaki Koyama who came to Tasmania many years ago (around 15 to be more precise) from the prefecture of Wakayama in Japan which lies just south of the busy city of Osaka.
Osaka is where he worked for five years to learn the art of sushi making, before meeting a Tasmanian (Lucy) who was teaching English in Japan at the time. They moved to Tasmania in 2007.
Geeveston is a forestry and fishing town in the southern reaches of the island which has changed a lot over the past five years to be a welcoming place for tourists. There are a number of good cafes here now, there is an excellent shop selling local fruit and vegetables (see entry for Arte-Zan), there is a nearby organic producer which has a roadside stall (see Our Mate’s Farm) and, of course, there is the food van outside the old church on the opposite side of the road to Arte-Zan where Masaaki currently sells his treats.
Masaaki makes a variety of perfect treats. He is adept at the making of sushi including nigiri. He also makes excellent inari (tofu “pockets” filled with sushi rice) and, when a local fisher catches something interesting, he might sell some very fresh sashimi.
You can monitor Masaaki’s Facebook site to find out when he will be selling his sushi from the van in Geeveston.
Additional information
Name: Masaaki’s
Street: 17 Arve Road
Town: Geeveston, 7116
Telephone: 0408 712 340
Opening hours: Saturday and Sunday from 12 noon until sold out